BitTensor (TAO) The price of BitTensor is $563.71633, a -0.84% percent change for the last hour.

(The price of BitTensor is $563.71633)

Quick Stats about BitTensor

The price of BitTensor is currently $563.716332

1 hour % 12 hour % 24 hour % 7d % 30d % 1y %
BTC -1.14%
USD -0.84%
ETH -1.34%
BTC -2.27%
USD -2.49%
ETH -3.2%
BTC -4.03%
USD -3.86%
ETH -6.32%
BTC -12.88%
USD -13.24%
ETH -19.78%
BTC 32.52%
USD 63.01%
ETH 21.36%
BTC 0%
USD 0%
ETH 0%

The all time high price of BitTensor was $698.66810786637 on 2024-02-16 04:04:06

Development Status:
Proof Type:
Hash Algorithm:
Hardware Wallet: No

Circulating Supply: 6,312,124 TAO

Beta Value: 0.000

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Tweets about BitTensor

Tweet by const_reborn about BitTensor
@const_reborn retweeted: 1 year, 8 months, 1 week, 17 hours, 10 minutes, 33 seconds ago
Decentralized AI isn’t about training collectively. That’s cool, but 99.9% of people can’t train models. Instead, Decentralized AI is about censorship resistance, access, and ownership. We should collectively own AI, not just contribute to it.
Tweet by bittensor_ about BitTensor
@bittensor_ 1 year, 8 months, 1 week, 5 days, 2 hours, 47 minutes, 41 seconds ago
Tweet media image Coming soon: - BittensorLLMs on Langchain. - plug-and-play applications for validators. - no-code miners on Finney ? - incentivized prompting. #langchain #bittensor #neuralinternet
Tweet by bittensor_ about BitTensor
@bittensor_ 1 year, 8 months, 1 week, 5 days, 6 hours, 45 minutes, 6 seconds ago
The moat has always been intelligence. We just hadn't digitized it yet.
Tweet by bittensor_ about BitTensor
@bittensor_ 1 year, 8 months, 1 week, 5 days, 10 hours, 52 minutes, 29 seconds ago
Google distilled from OpenAI because refined information is more useful than its raw form. Intelligence is the ultimate commodity.
Tweet by mishadavinci about BitTensor
@mishadavinci retweeted: 1 year, 8 months, 1 week, 6 days, 13 hours, 23 minutes, 45 seconds ago
The exponential technologies reshaping the world should not be controlled by a handful of people.
Tweet by bittensor_ about BitTensor
@bittensor_ retweeted: 1 year, 8 months, 1 week, 6 days, 13 hours, 24 minutes, 23 seconds ago
Join us this Thursday as we discuss Chattensor with @0xcarro
Tweet by milenydani1 about BitTensor
@milenydani1 retweeted: 1 year, 8 months, 2 weeks, 6 hours, 4 minutes, 37 seconds ago
@LinusEkenstam @elonmusk @EMostaque @tegmark @AndrewYang How can you stop decentralised AI networks like @bittensor_
Tweet by JosephJacks_ about BitTensor
@JosephJacks_ retweeted: 1 year, 8 months, 2 weeks, 7 hours, 12 minutes, 17 seconds ago
Decentralized neural networks are inevitable. Like Bitcoin is doing for money, @bittensor_ may do for AI.
Tweet by bittensor_ about BitTensor
@bittensor_ 1 year, 8 months, 2 weeks, 1 day, 7 hours, 2 minutes, 42 seconds ago
Tweet media image Welcoming Chattensor by Opentensor. Chattensor is an RL-aligned model like ChatGPT, Claude and Bard. What makes Chattensor unique is that it operates in accordance with the will of $TAO holders so that it aligns with open - not corporate - ownership. A…
Tweet by const_reborn about BitTensor
@const_reborn retweeted: 1 year, 8 months, 2 weeks, 1 day, 12 hours, 8 minutes, 16 seconds ago
“You want choices about this technology to become more democratic over time, we haven’t figured out how to do this” @sama
When moon? Moon buggy