Bitget Token (BGB) The price of Bitget Token is $0.99604, a 0.22% percent change for the last hour. BGB (Bitget Token) is the exchange token of the Bitget exchange.
Which can be used to withhold trading fees, participate in the launchpad, staking, and much more.

BGB (Bitget Token) is the exchange token of the Bitget exchange. Which can be used to withhold trading fees, participate in the launchpad, staking, and much more. (The price of Bitget Token is $0.99604)

Quick Stats about Bitget Token

The price of Bitget Token is currently $0.996039

1 hour % 12 hour % 24 hour % 7d % 30d % 1y %
BTC -0.09%
USD 0.22%
ETH -0.29%
BTC 0.06%
USD -0.16%
ETH -0.9%
BTC -1.65%
USD -1.43%
ETH -3.97%
BTC -3.47%
USD -3.87%
ETH -11.08%
BTC 36.46%
USD 67.86%
ETH 24.97%
BTC 8.45%
USD 140.4%
ETH 26.65%

The all time high price of Bitget Token was $1.1529326381409 on 2024-02-17 06:28:08

Development Status: Working product
Proof Type: Not mineable
Hash Algorithm: None
Hardware Wallet: Yes

Circulating Supply: 1,400,000,000 BGB

Beta Value: 0.000

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Tweets about Bitget Token

Tweet by bitgetglobal about Bitget Token
@bitgetglobal 1 year, 10 months, 20 hours, 13 minutes, 9 seconds ago
This week's featured #CopyTrading trader! ? ?? Start following 'Polestar' and other expert traders on #Bitget -
Tweet by GracyBitget about Bitget Token
@GracyBitget retweeted: 1 year, 10 months, 20 hours, 47 minutes, 59 seconds ago
As we step into April, many anticipate an uneventful market, but there are several key events that could shake things up. Let's take a closer look: ? (thread)
Tweet by bitgetglobal about Bitget Token
@bitgetglobal 1 year, 10 months, 21 hours, 14 minutes, 27 seconds ago
Tweet media image ?? Attention Australia! Complete your first trade & share in 1 $BTC prize pool! ? ? Event period: April 7-19 ? Complete first-time trading & win. ? Invite friends for up to 100 $USDT! Join now at and start trading with Bitget!
Tweet by bitgetglobal about Bitget Token
@bitgetglobal 1 year, 10 months, 23 hours, 26 minutes, 25 seconds ago
Tweet media image Improvements for Ethereum?? ?Increased liquidity ?A flexible staking system ?Introduction of new technologies like Liquid Staking Derivatives (LSD) ?Overall, we’ll see a more vibrant, robust & healthier ecosystem for $ETH. ?View #ETH on Bitget ?
Tweet by bitgetglobal about Bitget Token
@bitgetglobal 1 year, 10 months, 23 hours, 54 minutes, 57 seconds ago
Tweet media image Everything you need to know about the latest Bitget Launchpad, in one image! #BitgetZZZ ? Learn now:
Tweet by BTCTN about Bitget Token
@BTCTN retweeted: 1 year, 10 months, 1 day, 1 hour, 1 minute, 46 seconds ago
Bitget Features GoSleep (ZZZ) on Launchpad and Introduces Sunshine Pool
Tweet by bitgetglobal about Bitget Token
@bitgetglobal 1 year, 10 months, 1 day, 1 hour, 21 minutes, 40 seconds ago
Tweet media image ? Get ready for the #Bitget Copy Trading Month! ? ? Join as an elite trader or follower, futures or spot copy trader—everyone's welcome! ? Event duration: April 6-30, 2023 Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to grow your profits!
Tweet by BitgetAcademy about Bitget Token
@BitgetAcademy retweeted: 1 year, 10 months, 1 day, 1 hour, 23 minutes, 49 seconds ago
Tweet media image ???Part 2 of our series delves into #stablecoins' resilience in times of crisis & exclusive low-risk projects on #Bitget Innovation Zone. Don't miss out on the potential of #crypto markets amidst the banking crisis ??
Tweet by BitgetAcademy about Bitget Token
@BitgetAcademy retweeted: 1 year, 10 months, 1 day, 1 hour, 23 minutes, 54 seconds ago
Tweet media image Last month, crypto-friendly banks like Silvergate, SVB, & Credit Suisse shut down. ??? ? Is #crypto to blame? What's the market impact? ??
Tweet by bitgetglobal about Bitget Token
@bitgetglobal 1 year, 10 months, 1 day, 2 hours, 48 seconds ago
Tweet media image Exciting news! @coincodecap #Bitget has partnered with #CoinCodeCap community, offering expert analysis & signals to maximize your investments. ? ? ?? Get free VIP access through our referral link -
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