Blockade (ADEC) The price of Blockade is $0.00061, a 0.60% percent change for the last hour.

(The price of Blockade is $0.00061)

Quick Stats about Blockade

The price of Blockade is currently $0.000605

1 hour % 12 hour % 24 hour % 7d % 30d % 1y %
BTC 0%
USD 0.6%
ETH 0.12%
BTC 0%
USD 1.44%
ETH -0.05%
BTC 0%
USD 0.42%
ETH 1.03%
BTC -83.33%
USD -85.32%
ETH -83.23%
BTC -99.89%
USD -99.9%
ETH -99.91%
BTC 0%
USD 0%
ETH 0%

The all time high price of Blockade was $0.59434814111488 on 2021-10-19 20:46:34

Development Status:
Proof Type:
Hash Algorithm:
Hardware Wallet: No

Circulating Supply: 0 ADEC

Beta Value: -2.493

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Tweets about Blockade

Tweet by blockadecoin about Blockade
@blockadecoin 2 years, 11 months, 3 weeks, 6 days, 4 hours, 17 minutes, 14 seconds ago
Tweet media image We present a preview of the @Blockade Project, which will allow the creation of your own blockchain directly from our web platform. The launch is scheduled for the end of December. In collaboration with @Solidus Exchange. #blockchain #cryptocurrency
Tweet by blockadecoin about Blockade
@blockadecoin 3 years, 3 weeks, 1 day, 9 hours, 34 minutes, 2 seconds ago
We are happy to announce that the Website, Blockexplorer are ready. @ExchangeSolidus #blockchain #Cryptocurency #CryptoNews
Tweet by blockadecoin about Blockade
@blockadecoin 3 years, 3 weeks, 2 days, 8 hours, 53 minutes, 30 seconds ago
Tweet media image We will start the ADEC presale on @ExchangeSolidus on September 20th. The base price for the presale is 1000 sats for each coin. #blockchain #Crypto
Tweet by blockadecoin about Blockade
@blockadecoin 3 years, 1 month, 2 days, 53 minutes, 2 seconds ago
ADEC will be soon available on Solidus Exchange! #blockchain @ExchangeSolidus
Tweet by blockadecoin about Blockade
@blockadecoin 3 years, 1 month, 2 days, 54 minutes, 35 seconds ago
ADEC coin project is based on a #blockchain service sales #platform, our product will be based on the blockchain creation and customization service, we will offer a multi-package service based on the business needs of our customers. The launch of our coin will be 20th September
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