ADA is a token on a distributed computing platform that runs smart contracts, decentralized applications, side chains, multi-party computation, and metadata. (The price of Cardano is $0.58728)
The price of Cardano is currently $0.587284
1 hour % | 12 hour % | 24 hour % | 7d % | 30d % | 1y % |
BTC 0.53% USD 0.84% ETH 0.33% |
BTC -1.2% USD -1.42% ETH -2.15% |
BTC -1.06% USD -0.84% ETH -3.39% |
BTC -5.02% USD -5.41% ETH -12.51% |
BTC -2.2% USD 20.3% ETH -10.43% |
BTC -27.48% USD 60.75% ETH -15.31% |
The all time high price of Cardano was $3.0950278974839 on 2021-09-02 06:00:00
Development Status: | Beta version |
Proof Type: | Proof of Stake |
Hash Algorithm: | Ouroboros |
Hardware Wallet: | Yes |
Circulating Supply: 35,470,266,796 ADA
Beta Value: 0.000