EVRAZ (EVRAZ) The price of EVRAZ is $0.06942, a 2.89% percent change for the last hour.

(The price of EVRAZ is $0.06942)

Quick Stats about EVRAZ

The price of EVRAZ is currently $0.069419

1 hour % 12 hour % 24 hour % 7d % 30d % 1y %
BTC 2.69%
USD 2.89%
ETH 2.75%
BTC 15.4%
USD 16.88%
ETH 16.43%
BTC 17.62%
USD 19.29%
ETH 18.74%
BTC 23.29%
USD 20.28%
ETH 25.46%
BTC 22.06%
USD 24.9%
ETH 30.94%
BTC -29.71%
USD -0.57%
ETH -17.27%

The all time high price of EVRAZ was $0.38436118 on 2020-09-16 17:15:00

Development Status:
Proof Type:
Hash Algorithm:
Hardware Wallet: No

Circulating Supply: 0 EVRAZ

Beta Value: 0.601

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Tweets about EVRAZ

Tweet by EvrazC about EVRAZ
@EvrazC retweeted: 2 years, 4 months, 3 weeks, 1 day, 13 hours, 33 minutes, 53 seconds ago
Tweet media image https://t.co/HINdeGK3YT EVRAZ is a network of digital cash and decentralized exchange. Created for people with love! #crypto #blockchain #DeFi #evrazcoin #Altcoins #Bitshares #DEX #Swap https://t.co/mdJiTaNrGC
Tweet by EvrazC about EVRAZ
@EvrazC 2 years, 4 months, 3 weeks, 4 days, 12 hours, 37 minutes, 8 seconds ago
Tweet media image https://t.co/HINdeGK3YT EVRAZ is a network of digital cash and decentralized exchange. Created for people with love! #crypto #blockchain #DeFi #evrazcoin #Altcoins #Bitshares #DEX #Swap https://t.co/mdJiTaNrGC
Tweet by EvrazC about EVRAZ
@EvrazC retweeted: 2 years, 4 months, 4 weeks, 1 day, 5 hours, 12 minutes, 51 seconds ago
Tweet media image https://t.co/4cW1vNQQfZ Trade at EVRAZ decentralized exchange. Use the best in blockchain technologies. #evraz #bts #blockchain #crypto #DAO #DeFi #bitcoin #btc #altcoin #finance #exchange #cash #investment #evrazwallet #innovation #technology https://t.co/He0kS2R2K4
Tweet by EvrazC about EVRAZ
@EvrazC 2 years, 4 months, 4 weeks, 2 days, 13 hours, 47 minutes, 30 seconds ago
Tweet media image https://t.co/4cW1vNQQfZ Trade at EVRAZ decentralized exchange. Use the best in blockchain technologies. #evraz #bts #blockchain #crypto #DAO #DeFi #bitcoin #btc #altcoin #finance #exchange #cash #investment #evrazwallet #innovation #technology https://t.co/He0kS2R2K4
Tweet by EvrazC about EVRAZ
@EvrazC retweeted: 2 years, 5 months, 1 day, 16 hours, 39 minutes, 29 seconds ago
Tweet media image Регистрация аккаунта в системе электронных платежей и децентрализованной бирже EVRAZ. #blockchain #cryptocurrecy #trading #evrazcoin #evrazdex https://t.co/zN2KDzHJpE
Tweet by EvrazC about EVRAZ
@EvrazC 2 years, 5 months, 3 days, 11 hours, 56 minutes, 55 seconds ago
Tweet media image Регистрация аккаунта в системе электронных платежей и децентрализованной бирже EVRAZ. #blockchain #cryptocurrecy #trading #evrazcoin #evrazdex https://t.co/zN2KDzHJpE
Tweet by EvrazC about EVRAZ
@EvrazC retweeted: 2 years, 5 months, 5 days, 1 hour, 11 minutes, 30 seconds ago
Tweet media image https://t.co/HINdeGK3YT EVRAZ is a network of digital cash and decentralized exchange. Peer-to-peer, with named accounts, fast and secure. #blockchain #cryptocurrency #DeFi #DAO #bitcoin #Altcoins #evrazcoin https://t.co/zBbnvwevLh
Tweet by EvrazC about EVRAZ
@EvrazC 2 years, 5 months, 6 days, 12 hours, 33 minutes, 44 seconds ago
Tweet media image https://t.co/HINdeGK3YT EVRAZ is a network of digital cash and decentralized exchange. Peer-to-peer, with named accounts, fast and secure. #blockchain #cryptocurrency #DeFi #DAO #bitcoin #Altcoins #evrazcoin https://t.co/zBbnvwevLh
Tweet by EvrazC about EVRAZ
@EvrazC retweeted: 2 years, 5 months, 6 days, 12 hours, 42 minutes, 59 seconds ago
Tweet media image https://t.co/HINdeGK3YT EVRAZ is a network of digital cash and decentralized exchange, p2p, with named accounts, fast and secure, without verification and KYC, fully anonymous. #evraz #bts #blockchain #crypto #DAO #DeFi #bitcoin #altcoin #finance #exchange #cash https://t.co/qj6jkady7J
Tweet by EvrazC about EVRAZ
@EvrazC 2 years, 5 months, 1 week, 11 hours, 58 minutes, 13 seconds ago
Tweet media image https://t.co/HINdeGK3YT EVRAZ is a network of digital cash and decentralized exchange, p2p, with named accounts, fast and secure, without verification and KYC, fully anonymous. #evraz #bts #blockchain #crypto #DAO #DeFi #bitcoin #altcoin #finance #exchange #cash https://t.co/qj6jkady7J
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