Flits (FLS) The price of Flits is $0.40515, a -0.12% percent change for the last hour.

(The price of Flits is $0.40515)

Quick Stats about Flits

The price of Flits is currently $0.405153

1 hour % 12 hour % 24 hour % 7d % 30d % 1y %
BTC 0%
USD -0.12%
ETH 0.05%
BTC 14.29%
USD 11.24%
ETH 20.13%
BTC 38.89%
USD 35.86%
ETH 47.35%
BTC 47.21%
USD 44.81%
ETH 55.97%
BTC 75.22%
USD 30.49%
ETH -100%
BTC -32.98%
USD -51.08%
ETH -100%

The all time high price of Flits was $533.10429457899 on 2021-09-13 08:46:20

Development Status:
Proof Type:
Hash Algorithm:
Hardware Wallet: No

Circulating Supply: 0 FLS

Beta Value: -5.502

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Tweets about Flits

Tweet by FlitsNode about Flits
@FlitsNode 2 years, 8 months, 2 weeks, 8 hours, 38 minutes, 59 seconds ago
🔥 Flits V5.0 Q 📌 Are you aware of some features of the upcoming Flits App? With the release of the new app, a lot of things will change within the app, not only user-wise but also in terms of features inside the app https://t.co/5rIjyRxdvc
Tweet by FlitsNode about Flits
@FlitsNode 2 years, 8 months, 2 weeks, 11 hours, 17 minutes, 36 seconds ago
🎉 Crypto Weekend!!! Let's go for #altcoin shopping. Which gems would y'all want to get today for your crypto weekend? Last week's favorites; $GLC $MLT $AKRO #hodl #crypto #Bitcoin #altseason #ethereum
Tweet by FlitsNode about Flits
@FlitsNode 2 years, 8 months, 2 weeks, 2 days, 3 hours, 25 minutes, 59 seconds ago
⚠️ Remember to #StaySafe in Crypto 🚫 - Beware of support replies on social media, especially twitter. It is advisable to only use the support system through the Flits app. #hodl #crypto #altseason #altcoinseason2021
Tweet by FlitsNode about Flits
@FlitsNode 2 years, 8 months, 2 weeks, 2 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, 43 seconds ago
#ThrowbackThursday 😊 What were the best gems you had during the 2017 bull season? #hodl #buythedip #trading #altcoins #DeFi
Tweet by FlitsNode about Flits
@FlitsNode 2 years, 8 months, 2 weeks, 3 days, 14 hours, 13 minutes, 21 seconds ago
Tweet media image 🎉 Let's get Flits to 48K users! Did you know that if you like and retweet this, Flits will reach 48 000 users in the next few days Let get our hands on it now 🥳 Do the magic! 👉 https://t.co/D5MoVE1Z7m #crypto #buythedip #passiveincome #ROI #hodl #staking https://t.co/E45BADcJO2
Tweet by FlitsNode about Flits
@FlitsNode 2 years, 8 months, 2 weeks, 4 days, 20 hours, 15 minutes, 59 seconds ago
If crypto volatility has of late become tied to stock market movements, what do you do when stocks are down? Buy Crypto or buy stocks? #hodl #buythedip #Bitcoin #DeFi #altcoins #stockmarketcrash
Tweet by FlitsNode about Flits
@FlitsNode 2 years, 8 months, 2 weeks, 4 days, 23 hours, 32 minutes, 34 seconds ago
Tweet media image Did you get yourself some special altcoins in the past few days? What were they, and I hope you kept them on @FlitsNode for passive income #crypto #hodl #Bitcoin #buythedip #stocks https://t.co/hzdrPcSB2l
Tweet by FlitsNode about Flits
@FlitsNode 2 years, 8 months, 2 weeks, 5 days, 23 hours, 19 minutes, 32 seconds ago
🚀 Current platform statistics at Flits; 🔸 47839 users 🔸 317 BTC total wallet value 🔸 9152 masternodes deployed 🔸 123 coins listed 👉 Store, Earn and Spend with the Flits App; https://t.co/D5MoVE1Z7m #crypto #HODL #PoS #altseason #DeFi #NFT
Tweet by FlitsNode about Flits
@FlitsNode 2 years, 8 months, 2 weeks, 6 days, 22 hours, 57 minutes, 59 seconds ago
The Flits App is your gateway to Crypto passive income To everyone who's made the est decision in such market times- to accumulate more gems, remember to use the Flits App Visit: https://t.co/D5MoVEjzYU #hodl #crypto #Bitcoin #trading #BuyingTheDip
Tweet by FlitsNode about Flits
@FlitsNode 2 years, 8 months, 3 weeks, 7 minutes, 32 seconds ago
How many times have you witnessed this type of market? #crypto #hodl #Bitcoin #trading #Ethereum #altcoin
When moon? Moon buggy