The Internet Computer is the fastest and only infinitely scalable general-purpose blockchain. (The price of Internet Computer is $12.45890)
The price of Internet Computer is currently $12.458897
1 hour % | 12 hour % | 24 hour % | 7d % | 30d % | 1y % |
BTC 0.08% USD 0.39% ETH -0.12% |
BTC -0.45% USD -0.67% ETH -1.4% |
BTC -1.35% USD -1.13% ETH -3.67% |
BTC -7.07% USD -7.45% ETH -14.4% |
BTC -20.77% USD -2.54% ETH -27.44% |
BTC -8.41% USD 103.03% ETH 6.96% |
The all time high price of Internet Computer was $342.22936936 on 2021-05-13 05:35:00
Development Status: | |
Proof Type: | |
Hash Algorithm: | |
Hardware Wallet: | Yes |
Circulating Supply: 459,383,572 ICP
Beta Value: 0.000