NEO is a non-profit community-based blockchain project that utilizes blockchain technology and digital identity to digitize assets, to automate the management of digital assets using smart contracts, and to realize a "smart economy" with a distributed network. (The price of NEO is $12.82090)
The price of NEO is currently $12.820905
1 hour % | 12 hour % | 24 hour % | 7d % | 30d % | 1y % |
BTC 0.08% USD 0.38% ETH -0.12% |
BTC 1.17% USD 0.95% ETH 0.2% |
BTC 0.46% USD 0.68% ETH -1.91% |
BTC -1.23% USD -1.64% ETH -9.03% |
BTC -5.67% USD 16.03% ETH -13.62% |
BTC -53.27% USD 3.58% ETH -45.43% |
The all time high price of NEO was $196.853 on 2018-01-15 20:29:00
Development Status: | Working product |
Proof Type: | Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerant |
Hash Algorithm: | dBFT |
Hardware Wallet: | Yes |
Circulating Supply: 70,538,831 NEO
Beta Value: 0.000