Polkadot is a network protocol that allows arbitrary data—not just tokens—to be transferred across blockchains. This means Polkadot is a true multi-chain application environment where things like cross-chain registries and cross-chain computation are possible. Polkadot can transfer this data across public, open, permissionless blockchains as well as private, permissioned blockchains. (The price of Polkadot is $7.79135)
The price of Polkadot is currently $7.791347
1 hour % | 12 hour % | 24 hour % | 7d % | 30d % | 1y % |
BTC 0.15% USD 0.46% ETH -0.05% |
BTC 0.7% USD 0.47% ETH -0.27% |
BTC -0.29% USD -0.07% ETH -2.64% |
BTC 0.21% USD -0.2% ETH -7.69% |
BTC -5.53% USD 16.2% ETH -13.49% |
BTC -46.99% USD 17.51% ETH -38.09% |
The all time high price of Polkadot was $440.04173682 on 2020-08-13 23:20:00
Development Status: | |
Proof Type: | |
Hash Algorithm: | |
Hardware Wallet: | No |
Circulating Supply: 1,334,512,044 DOT
Beta Value: 0.000
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