THETA (THETA) The price of THETA is $1.36958, a 0.75% percent change for the last hour. Theta is a decentralized video delivery network, powered by users and an innovative new blockchain.

Theta is a decentralized video delivery network, powered by users and an innovative new blockchain. (The price of THETA is $1.36958)

Quick Stats about THETA

The price of THETA is currently $1.369577

1 hour % 12 hour % 24 hour % 7d % 30d % 1y %
BTC 0.44%
USD 0.75%
ETH 0.24%
BTC 6.61%
USD 6.37%
ETH 5.58%
BTC 3.87%
USD 4.1%
ETH 1.43%
BTC 17.34%
USD 16.86%
ETH 8.09%
BTC 9.93%
USD 35.22%
ETH 0.67%
BTC -48.55%
USD 14.05%
ETH -39.92%

The all time high price of THETA was $16.58520685 on 2021-04-16 13:10:00

Development Status: Working product
Proof Type: Multi-Level Byzantine Fault Tolerance
Hash Algorithm: MBFT
Hardware Wallet: No

Circulating Supply: 1,000,000,000 THETA

Beta Value: 0.000

Blockchain Service

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