GnosisDAO builds decentralized infrastructure for the Ethereum ecosystem. (The price of Gnosis is $350.81812)
The price of Gnosis is currently $350.818117
1 hour % | 12 hour % | 24 hour % | 7d % | 30d % | 1y % |
BTC 0.09% USD 0.4% ETH -0.11% |
BTC 3.83% USD 3.59% ETH 2.83% |
BTC 7.83% USD 8.07% ETH 5.29% |
BTC 19.83% USD 19.33% ETH 10.38% |
BTC 32.63% USD 63.15% ETH 21.46% |
BTC 47.73% USD 227.46% ETH 72.51% |
The all time high price of Gnosis was $656.60211879303 on 2021-11-08 18:00:00
Development Status: | |
Proof Type: | Not mineable |
Hash Algorithm: | None |
Hardware Wallet: | No |
Circulating Supply: 2,589,588 GNO
Beta Value: 0.000